- Last Updated: Thursday, 24 November 2022 16:03
Since our Rinzai-Zen Community was founded, our most central concern has been to organise and conduct Sesshin (an intensive Zazen exercise lasting several days) regularly.
With the opening of the main meditation hall, KIN-MŌ-ZENDŌ (›Cave of Elemental Forces‹) on November 25, 1978 (the name was given by Yūhō Sōshun Rōshi during a celebration held in Japan), a period of invitations to various Zen-Masters began in order to receive genuine instruction. Apart from Seki Yūhō Rōshi and his monks, masters from Japan, Korea and the United States came to visit us.
These experiences led to the decision to follow solely the way taught by Yūhō Sōshun Rōshi. Shortly before his death, Yūhō Sōshun Rōshi appointed his student Sōtetsu Yūzen, in whom he had entrusted the Dharma, to continue the Rinzai-Zen tradition after his death.
And so it remains today. We have been offering public Sesshin for 44 years in unbroken succession. Every year, one-week Sesshin and weekend-long Sesshin are conducted.
For everyone interested in Zen, appropriate ways to practice will be found, depending on the stage of development and ability in Zazen. Everybody who is sincerely interested and determined to walk the Way of Zen– the Buddha's way – is heartily welcome.
SESSHIN suited for beginners and advanced:
DAI-SESSHIN at the Kin-Mō-Zendō: March (please contact us for further details)
Charge: 190,- EUR (all inclusive: feeding, overnight stay, Dana)
SESSHIN suited only for advanced:
RŌHATSU-SESSHIN at the Kin-Mō-Zendō: December 2 – December 8, 2023
Charge: 250,- EUR (all inclusive: feeding, overnight stay, Dana)
The deadline for your enrollment for a Sesshin is two weeks before the Sesshin actually begins. Please apply in writing! For further information concerning time, costs etc. please contact us here.