- Last Updated: Sunday, 12 May 2024 12:28
Rinzai-Zen in Berlin:
The Kin-Mō-Zendō – the main Zen-Hall
The Buddhist Centre Takujū-House
Main Zen-Hall Kin-Mō-ZendōSōtetsu Yūzen was founded the First Rinzai-Zen Community of Berlin in June 1971. Its purpose is to enable members as well as other interested persons to participate in an authentic Zen training under the guidance of a Zen-Master.
The Kin-Mō-ZendōThe KIN-MŌ-ZENDŌ (Cave of Elemental Force), the community's main Zen-Hall, is the located at Berlin-Frohnau. It was opened by Sōtetsu Yūzen on 25th of November 1978. Here, along with daily Zazen practice, the two annual one-week-Sesshin – the Dai-Sesshin and the Rōhatsu-Sesshin – take place under the guidance of the Zen-Master. It is also at the Kin-Mō-Zendō that he intensively practices Dokusan with his students.
Buddhist Centre Takujū-House On the 2nd of November 1998, another place for practice and communal meetings, the Buddhist Centre Takujū-House was handed over by Sōtetsu Yūzen to the First Rinzai-Zen Community of Berlin. It enables Zen practitioners to live together on the basis of the Buddha's teachings.
Additional to the rooms for residents and guests, the house comprises a Zendō, the office of the Mumon-Kai publishing house, common rooms, a sauna and Ofuro-area and a garden. At Takujū-House, a library containing extensive Buddhist literature can be found as well as a Japanese tea room .
Main Zen-Hall Kin-Mō-Zendō
Zazen schedule at KIN-MŌ-ZENDŌ, the main Zen-Hall:
Mondays: 6:00 – 7:00 pm.
Those who are interested in Zen will receive an introduction after making an appointment by telephone and can then take part in the regular zazen.
Main Zen-Hall KIN-MŌ-ZENDŌ:
Frohnauer Strasse 148
Tel. (+49 30) 43 55 71 87
e-mail: info@zen-gemeinschaft-berlin.de
Zazen schedule at the Takujū-House:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: 7:30 – 8:00 am.
Buddhist Centre Takujū-Haus:
Schlieperstrasse 31,13507 Berlin
Tel. (+49 30) 43 55 71 87
e-mail: info@zen-gemeinschaft-berlin.de
Beginners and people interested in Zazen are kindly asked to make an appointment by telephone in order to receive an introduction. Advanced practitioners are welcome to participate without advance notice, provided that they arrive at the Zendō 30 minutes (evening Zazen) or 15 minutes (morning Zazen) before the practice begins.